How did we do with our rankings for week 13

Week 13 Performance Proportional Ranking allows a view of the players according to the performance of the pack. If the pack has 20 players, then the ranks go from 1 to 20, but each player can have rank anywhere in between. Players that perform similarly according to the metric, with have closer ranks, ie. 2… Continue reading How did we do with our rankings for week 13

After week 12, can we tell how much more valuable a player was over an other?

Can we quantify the value of a player to a fantasy team? In a 13 game fantasy season, a win is 0.077 to their winning percentage. The hypthothesis of this analysis is that when the player in this list plays, if he is 0.077 higher than a player ranked 14 places later, he will average… Continue reading After week 12, can we tell how much more valuable a player was over an other?

After week 12, the flex, the DMZ between starter and backup

Who should’ve been drafted this year We know from the last post who played the most, and therefore should be ideal candidates for starting spots. But unlike the previous simulation, we know that there aren’t such a large universe of players, to do game simulations. Our universe in my league is limited by how many… Continue reading After week 12, the flex, the DMZ between starter and backup