Position Shortage Report for Week 11

Over-supply vs. Shortage. What can you drop down to, to get a scarcer resource. My league starts 1QB, 2RB, 2WR, 1TE,1 Flex(RB,WR or TE), 1K, and 1DST. For each starting slot, we are allowed to roster a backup. My league has 14 teams this year, so that’s 14 starting QB for instance. Below is data, where you can assess if a position has a shortage, and which ones has a abundance that you may be willing to trade away and not really lose performance.
Reading data…

How to read: The spread indicates the points scored so far by the top player and the 14th player. Inside the bar is a number of the total points scored by that those players. If the spread is great, then there is a big difference between the 2 players. If the number in bar is great, then that means that most of the players are the same level, compared to a bar with a smaller number. See below for the data in table format.

pos bottom top spread totalpt players isbackup
DST 102 122 20 1829 17 0
DST 0 0 0 1
DST 95 100 5 1074 11 2
K 50 104 54 1109 14 0
K 0 0 0 1
K 50 73 23 847 14 2
QB 151 292 141 3237 14 0
QB 0 0 0 1
QB 137 209 72 2341 13 2
RB 88 224 136 1960 14 0
RB 77 124 47 1449 14 1
RB 57 99 42 1603 21 2
TE 70 179 109 1681 14 0
TE 0 0 0 1
TE 52 91 39 989 14 2
WR 94 240 146 2402 14 0
WR 91 156 65 1891 14 1
WR 76 126 50 2609 27 2

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