How did we do with our rankings for week 11


Proportional Ranking allows a view of the players according to the performance of the pack. If the pack has 20 players, then the ranks go from 1 to 20, but each player can have rank anywhere in between. Players that perform similarly according to the metric, with have closer ranks, ie. 2 players with rank of 7.1 and 7.2 from pack of 28 players means both players perform similarly and are 1/4 between top and last ranked player. Packs is this case are the top players for the position, enough to occupy starting and backup positions for a team in my league of 14 teams

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How to look at it: Closer to left means top ranked at position, closer to bottom is how they performed last week relative to top ranked last week. Players above the dashed line did worse than expected. Players below the dashed line did better than expected.
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How to look at it: (See above)
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How to look at it: (See above)
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How to look at it: (See above)
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How to look at it: X-axis is the season average points per game by the player, y-axis is points they scored last week. Opposite of above charts, players above the dashed line performed better than their average. Below the line means they performed worse.
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How to look at it: (See above)
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How to look at it: (See above)
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How to look at it: The players points should be aligned y=x, if our defense faced-based handicap was effective. We put our expected % deviation from to be reasonably aligned with actual performance. There is obviously a lot of other factors in play that change from game to game. To be sure, a histogram of deviations from average, and histogram of deviations from our handicapped forecast should be compared to see if you predictions were at least better than using just the average as predictor.

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